First, I want you to know that I am an animal protectionist and hoping you feel the same as I do. Then, just check this out :

When saw this ad on YouTube yesterday I couldn’t help saying out loud “wow!” The cool stuff that arouse my feelings so much is an eco-friendly program named “Dawn Saves Wildlife”. You can tell from the name that this is an organization supported by Dawn, a dish washer brand, and its goal is to protect and save the wild animals especially whose habitat is severely interfered by human being.

There are nine episodes of video clips with high quality available on YouTube and their official website that help to illustrate this program. Each video tells a different story, providing a different site to view this meaningful event. Nonetheless, every episode is inspiring, forming motivation for people to be a part of this picture. And, to get involved is easy: to be a volunteer, write a check for that organization, or just buy a bottle of Dawn.

BTW there are really some interesting design in the site that you guys should check out and have a look. For example, once you scroll down the page starts to move and the little duck becomes vivid. There is a picture of ducks consisted by cubes, and when you zoom in you can find there is a name tag on every cube, indicating the slogan of this event — be a part of the big picture.

The part this program impresses me most is that it optimize the whole system so that everyone wins, even the animals. Saying that “you can also be a part of the big picture by simply washing dishes with Dawn,” company’s financial goal be meet, wildlife be saved, people feel good about it, everything is perfect.

I personally hope that there would be more this kind of communication planing.

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